Kalugin Top Fired Stoves
Our company specializes in designing, engineering, and implementation of Kalugin Top Fired Stoves for Blast Furnaces. The top combustion stove technology was invented and successfully put into operation by our team of experts.

The significant advantages of Kalugin Stoves, in terms of their economic and environmental performance, have been highly appreciated by numerous blast furnace operators worldwide. At present, a total of 268 Kalugin Stoves successfully operating in 11 countries.
CO < 25 mg/m3
NOx < 50 mg/m3
Hot Blast Temperature
Hot Blast Temperature
Service life is 30 years without repairs
Fit well into existing stove dimensions during reconstruction
Reduction of coke consumption in Blast Furnance up to 5%
About Kalugin Stoves
Why do Kalugin Stoves have smaller dimensions?

> Kalugin Stoves incorporate specially designed checker bricks with an increased heating surface area. This innovation allows for a reduction in the overall weight of the checkerwork and, consequently, the dimensions of the entire stove.

> As a result, Kalugin Stoves seamlessly fit into existing stove dimensions during reconstruction projects.

> Another advantage is the reduced total cost and construction time of Kalugin Stoves.

Is there a risk of checker clogging with such a small channel diameter?

> Extensive operating experience has demonstrated that checker clogging does not occur throughout the entire Kalugin Stove campaign.

> Clogging is primarily a chemical process rather than a mechanical one. The calculated arrangement of various types of refractory materials along the height of the checkerwork prevents chemical reactions and subsequent clogging.

> Furthermore, the dust content in the fuel gas is permitted to be up to 10 mg/m3.

> Regarding pressure drop, the existing air and gas pressure is sufficient, requiring no additional equipment.

How service life of 30 years is achieved?

> The primary reason for this is the design of the Kalugin Stove itself, which is symmetrical and avoids the drawbacks of conventional stove designs.

> A second contributing factor is the elimination of the influence of thermal expansion of materials, which is achieved through:
- Independent support of the dome and pre-chamber on the steel shell
- Checker support without beams, eliminating grid movement and consequent checker cracking

> The third factor is the extensive use of shaped refractories in accordance with Kalugin's technical requirements.

> Last but not least, our business model includes supervision at every stage of the project.

Is such a high blast temperature necessary?

> Kalugin Stoves are capable of achieving a hot blast temperature of 1350°C, surpassing the industry standard of 1250°C. Conventional Hot Blast Stoves struggle to maintain even the standard temperature over the long term.

> By increasing the blast temperature from 1100°C to 1250°C, the coke consumption rate can be reduced by approximately 13 kg per ton of hot metal. With a blast furnace productivity of 1 million tons of hot metal per year, this translates to a saving of 13,000 tons of coke. Considering the price of $300 per ton of coke, the annual savings amount to $3,900,000.

> To ensure the sustained operation of the hot blast main and bustle pipe under high temperatures, we have developed a proprietary creep-resistant brick called DRL-150. This innovative solution effectively addresses the challenges posed by extreme temperatures, providing long-lasting performance and reliability for hot blast main and bustle pipe applications.

> Learn more about our know-how for hot blast main and bustle pipe.

What about decarbonization and green steel?

> The vortex of gas and air jets in the burner facilitates highly efficient mixing and combustion of gas, resulting in emissions of CO < 50 mg/m3 and NOx < 50 mg/m3. Additionally, the burner maintains a minimal excess air coefficient of 1 < λ < 1.1, which closely aligns with stoichiometric (ideal) combustion. This not only reduces fuel consumption but also minimizes carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Furthermore, the reduction in coke consumption in the blast furnace also contributes to a significant decrease in the overall carbon footprint.

Is any additional equipment required for Kalugin Stoves?

> Kalugin Top Fired Stoves operate using the conventional set of Stove equipment. Nevertheless, our business model is built upon partnering solely with reputable and trusted equipment suppliers.

What’s new in Kalugin Stoves after 25 years?

We believe in the pursuit of perfection, which is why we are constantly enhancing our technology. Here are some significant improvements we have made:

> Validation of certain concepts through long-term operational experience.
Optimization of shaped refractory design.

> Improvement of burner design to mitigate the effects of moisture.
Selection of more resilient materials.

> Implementation of an automated design process to expedite project delivery.

> Identification and collaboration with the most reliable equipment suppliers.

> New technologies to improve Stoves and BF performance were mastered, such as:

- Hot Blast Main and Bustle Pipe (Learn more)
- Waste Heat Recovery Systems (Learn more)
- Combustion Air Preheaters (CAP) (Learn more)
- Pressure equalization system (Learn more)
- Filling system (Learn more)

Seeking to upgrade your Blast
Furnace performance?
Seeking to upgrade your Blast Furnace performance?
Contact us for a best available technology in the field of blast heating
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Stoves presentation
+ 381 61 2080 926
231 Jurija Gagarina str.
Belgrade, 11000, Serbia
What We Do